Estate Planning
We emphasize thoughtful and comprehensive estate planning that is directed at creating a highly personalized plan that avoids the need for court proceedings in the event of one's disability or death. We often recommend a revocable living trust as the core document to achieve clients' objectives because a properly funded revocable living trust will avoid the need for conservatorship proceedings in the event of disability or probate proceedings in the event of death.
A revocable living trust does not accomplish its intended objectives unless it is funded. Many trusts remain unfunded due to a lack of effort, and those trusts may require substantial legal work upon disability or death. In contrast, we bring to our practice a commitment to assist clients in transferring title to their assets to their revocable living trust, including the preparation of deeds to transfer real property. When our clients need assistance in transferring real property outside California to their trusts or other entities, we will recommend attorneys in other jurisdictions who are members of WealthCounsel to assist in those transfers.
A properly structured estate plan will include other documents in addition to a revocable living trust. Those documents may include the following:
- Pourover Wills
- Trust Certifications
- General Durable Powers of Attorney
- Advance Health Care Directives
- Authorizations for Release of Confidential Medical Information (HIPAA Waivers)
- Community Property Agreements
- Irrevocable Life Insurance Trusts
- Grantor Deemed Owner Trusts (Intentionally Defective Irrevocable Grantor Trusts)
- Charitable Remainder Trusts
- Charitable Lead Trusts
- Family Limited Partnerships
- Family Limited Liability Companies