Areas Of Practice

Estate & Trust Administration

We assist our clients and their loved ones in administering trusts and estates. Though revocable living trusts when properly funded do not require formal probate administration, there are a series of appropriate steps to be taken at the death of a Trustor. In some instances, the steps may include various tax planning opportunities or the allocation of specific assets to particular subtrusts. These steps are particularly significant when dealing with married persons or with estates that exceed the federal Applicable Exclusion Amount (which is presently $5,120,000 for persons dying in 2012).

In those instances where assets have not been properly transferred to a revocable living trust, we may be able to use specific legal procedures to retitle those assets with trust ownership after the death of the Trustor, without being required to open formal probate proceedings.

On occasion we are referred matters where a now deceased individual did not have the opportunity to create a fully funded revocable living trust. In those instances we are prepared to represent the deceased individual's personal representative as Executor or Administrator in probate proceedings.